Flutter Appwrite Tutorial Series — (ongoing)

Damodar Lohani
3 min readSep 4, 2020


Appwrite is an open source back-end server, that you can easily setup using docker. And it can be used to support your web and mobile applications. And, it is great for Flutter developers to have Appwrite in their toolbox, as this will give them alternative to Firebase, or building own service in back-end. This is unique opportunity for Flutter developers, as they can focus on their application rather than on setting up a remote database, API and stuff. So, in this ongoing tutorial series, we will learn to setup Appwrite and use it as a back-end for our flutter application.


In this episode I will introduce you to Appwrite and why is it important and what it provides.

Episode 1 — Setup

In this episode we will learn to setup Appwrite locally using docker, and define a database structure in Appwrite for the application we will be building in this series

Episode 2 — Wireframing

In this episode we will create wireframe design for our flutter application using open source vector design tool — Inkspace

Episode 3 — New flutter project and UI design

In this episode we will create a new flutter project and create UI for login and signup.

Episode 4 — Authenticating users

In this eipsode we will connect our Flutter app with Appwrite and allow users to login and signup.

Also remember to watch the 4.1 quick fix for permission error.

Episode 5 — State management, Routing and Navigation setup

In this episode, we will setup state management using Provider, setup Routing and Navigation

Episode 6 — Routing, profile page and logging out user

In this episode we will continue on, setup routing, and design and display user’s profile page and allow users to logout.

Episode 7 — Querying and Listing Transactions

In this episode we will learn to query the appwrite database that we designed during appwrite setup and list the returned documents in Flutter application

Episode 8 — Create, Read, Update and Delete operations

In this episode we will allow users to create, read, update and delete the documents in the database.

Episode 9 — Searching, ordering and filtering

In this episode we will learn to use appwrite to query, order and filter the documents returned by database.

Episode 10 — Deploying appwrite in VPS + Tips for running Appwrite in Production

In this episode we will learn to deploy Appwrite server in production using digitalocean servers.

Episode 11 — User Preferences and Locale API

In this episode we will learn about User’s preferences api that we can use to store settings for particular users and also some uses of Locale API provided by appwrite.

Episode 12 — Storage Service, uploading files, preview

In this episode we will learn to leverage the Appwrite’s storage service, to upload file and display previews. Here we are using it for uploading and displaying user’s profile picture.

Bonus — What’s coming to Appwrite 0.7 and beyond

Appwrite has more greate features in plan for next version and beyond. We will look into those and also show you some of those features in action.

Appwrite 0.7 is here

Appwrite 0.7 has been released with awesome new features like Cloud Functions, Flutter Web support, Appwrite CLI and 100+ more features.

Watch the whole series here

This is the playlist for the whole Flutter + Appwrite tutorial series.

Source code for the series

The source code for the series can be found in the Github repository linked below. The code after the completion of each episode can be found in the specific branches linked above

Want to Connect with me

Facebook: https://fb.me/lohanidamodar
GitHub: https://github.com/lohanidamodar
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/reactbits
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LohaniDamodar
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lohanidamodar

